In our first part we are going to chase some data for our map.


We need to give our program the chance to know, if the mouse is inside a country or not. So, we need the shapes of the countries. A nice file wich serves the purpose could be found here: countries.geo.json. The shapes in this file are a little rough, but this provides better performance for our app. Then we need the locations of all airports. Let's take a look at GeoCommons. Type into the search field "world airports" and hit the first result. As you can see, there is no option for downloading a valid geo.json version of this data set, but I have a gift for you:

Drag this button into bookmark bar to create a bookmarklet.

Now when you are back on the data-set at GeoCommons you only need to hit this bookmarklet and you will be led to a valid geo.json version of this data-set. Save it as WorldAirports.geo.json

Now, we have two files: countries.geo.json and WorldAirports.json. So, let's write some code.

Note: While writing this tutorial, the world airports data-set disappeared on GeoCommons. But there is a version in the download files.


Let's start with opening the GeoJsonApp.pde from the examples folder of the Unfolding library, save it as GeoJSONApp-basic.pde and add the files to your project (for lazy guys is this sketch already included in the download folder).

Countries & Interaction

Now, let's see how the countries will be displayed by changing the following

      List<Feature> countries = GeoJSONReader.loadData(this, "countries-simple.geo.json");


      List<Feature> countries = GeoJSONReader.loadData(this, "countries.geo.json");


Yes, I told you the shapes are rough, but the performance is quite good. Please don't mind the gray, you can take care about that later. The bigger problem for now is: we don't want the countries to be displayed permanently. Just when the mouse hovers it, we want to see the shape. So let`s continue with the next part …